Join us Sunday mornings at 8:00am, 9:00am, and 10:45am.



Alpha is a series of group conversations that explore the Christian faith. You are invited no matter your background or beliefs. There will be both a Sunday morning class starting January 19th and a Thursday evening class starting January 23rd. Registered childcare is available for both classes. Please register below.

Connections Class

If you’re new to ABC or if you’ve been here for awhile and are looking for a way to get connected we’d love to have you join our next Connections Class! This 5 week class is taught by our pastors and goes through ABC’s 7 core values. Our next class begins Sunday, January 26th during the 9am service. Please email [email protected] to register for this class.


Financial Peace University

You can take control of your money! Dave Ramsey's 7 baby steps will show you how to save for emergencies, pay off all your debt for good, build wealth, and become more generous. Join Chuck and Dawn Doherty for this 9 week class which begins on January 27th from 6:30pm-8. Sign up below. Childcare is available with preregistration HERE. 

Guy’s Worship Night

Why do we worship, how do we do it, am I doing it right, what's the point...?  Maybe you've asked or are asking some of these questions about worship...We'll learn about how and why we worship, but ultimately this night is for the guys of the church to simply join in worship as we express our adoration and praise to God together.  Join us on Wednesday, Feb. 5th at 7pm in the Worship Center for guys worship night here at ABC!

Women’s Retreat

The rumors are true! ABC Women is having a women's retreat this spring on March 28-30. We will be gathering at the Koinonia Conference Grounds in the Santa Cruz mountains for a time of refreshment, encouragement, and bonding as this retreat is put on, planned by, and for ABC Women! Register soon before spots run out.


My ABC is our interactive database where you can update your info and picture, and become more involved in your church community. Give it a try.
