Jan 2024 Prayer Requests James and Family

A huge prayer for us is Kilian.

Please continue to pray with us for Kilian's continued growth with his reading and writing Dyslexia. He is still improving, and we are so encouraged, but it has been a huge undertaking with all the kids. We would love your continued prayers for him.

James and his project. 

James has continued creating his story and project. We would love prayers for the right connections and people to join the team: advisors who have a Kindom-focused impact and others who might understand the calling and purpose of this project.

Katherine's Book. 

Now that Katheriene's book is finished and is for sale on Amazon, please pray with us that it gets into the right hands. The hands of kids who might need the encouragement, knowing that they are not alone and were created special with unique gifts from God. Also, pray that it finds the right parents who need hope to help their child learn how to learn and move forward with their Dyslexia.