May 2024 Update from Abel and Sarah

We trust you all had a nice Easter remembering the resurrection of our Lord and meditating on what that means for us.

In our last update we asked prayer for Abel's shoulder surgery that was coming up and for safe travels for him and Pacey. Thank you for your prayers and thank you to those who contributed financially to help with needs. Their travels went well. Abel and Pacey enjoyed their time traveling together. On the other side, they were received warmly by my folks and were made to feel at home as they prepared for surgery. The surgery went well and the doctor was very pleased with how well it. The recovery for Abel from day one was so much "easier" than the previous shoulder surgery the year before.

Pacey really enjoyed her time there. She loved being with family and friends, playing in the snow, eating a lot of candy and other yummy foods, going to church camp, and so much more! She was a big help to Abel as well. We thank God she was able to go back and have a break from life here in TZ. It was a much needed break for her and she came back refreshed and renewed. :) 

The day before Abel went into surgery he got a call that one of his close friends in California had passed away. At that time we thought there would be no way he could travel out there after his surgery to be with the family because the pain and hardships he had had the previous year was so great that we thought it would be the same. We prayed asking God to somehow make it possible for him to be able to go. Well God answered that prayer! Like I said, his recovery from the very beginning went so well. Someone paid for Abel's ticket, he wasn't in as much pain, and was capable to get around, so he went to be with our dear friends who had lost their son, brother, uncle, and friend. We praise God our friend is in Heaven with Him. He knew Jesus as his Savior and is now rejoicing with his Creator. Our friends have displayed greatly the peace of our Lord in their lives. They are sad for their loss but rejoice knowing their son is with God in perfect peace. 

After the funeral/celebration of our friend's life, Abel went back to Ohio to pick up Pacey, and then the next day proceeded on to Tanzania. The travel back was fun for them, especially since there were very few people on the airplane.
Each of them got their own row, which doesn't happen very often. 

Later as we reflected on the whole the timing of the surgery and the amazing recovery at first, we saw that the Lord had truly done something special for Abel in relieving him of pain while he traveled out to California and orchestrated the surgery when He did. Once back in Tanzania, the normal pain returned and he was able to start the long healing process that follows a rotator cuff surgery. 

A couple of weeks before Abel went back to the US for surgery he went to a graduation in northern Tanzania. This one was particularly special because it was the first one that was taught fully by the student of a student of Abel's and the team. When the graduation ended, Abel got on a bus overnight and traveled 11 hours home and then got on a plane that evening to go to Ethiopia, where he and another man taught a condensed version of God's story, especially focusing on His love for man, and His goodness in including us in what He is doing. (The picture at the top of the email was taken at that event) There were about 70 pastors at this particular event, and a good connection was made. They asked for a full Bible program over the next few years. Please be praying for Abel and the team to be following the Lord's leading with this as they work out what that may look like. After getting back from Ethiopia, Abel and Pacey had 2 days before heading off to the states.

Somewhere along the line in the past few months, the book titled Kiumbe Kipya (A new Creation), covering Romans and 1 and 2 Thessalonians, was completed and sent to the formatter in preparation for publishing. That process is going to take some time, but we are very thankful for the support in publishing it, as well as printing it. A church in Michigan has been pro-active in moving that process along just like they did with the last book. They have also provided the design for the cover of the book, which is very cool, but we have to wait until after publishing to reveal it. While Abel and Pacey were in the states the book began to be used among the Masai pastors in northern Tanzania. They now have one more week of studying before graduating. The graduation happens three days before we make our way to the states this summer (more on that below)... there is a lot happening in the next few months. Thank you so much for your prayers and support.

Now that Abel is back and recovering, he hasn't been able to travel to the office, so his co-worker has been coming to the house to continue preparing for the missionary training that is beginning in June, Lord willing. During their preparation time they are reviewing the materials (mostly videos online) at double speed. In the last 2 weeks they have been able to cover 6 weeks of material and are on pace to finish on time. Please be praying for them as they have to travel in a few weeks to a discussion forum for missionary trainers in the UK. Pray that Abel will be healed enough to travel, and that they will do a good job listening to what the Lord is doing worldwide, and apply some of the things learned from this exposure to what they are dong here in Tanzania.

The kids are doing well. Andrew enjoys playing the piano and sports. He's doing well in school, working hard but not being overwhelmed by the rigorousness of it. Heidi enjoys singing and playing sports as well. She is very diligent to do vocal warm ups daily. Sometimes we all join in to strengthen our voices and to get a laugh. Pacey is focusing on eating and sleeping these days as she is growing like crazy. :) She also loves babysitting. 

The kids and myself participated in a service emphasis week (SEW) at the school. The whole school, grades K-12, take a week and focus on serving the community. They help at a local doctors office, serve other schools, help ministries that help women get off the street, and work in the school's garden, and more. HOPAC, the kid's school, does a wonderful job at helping the kids see needs around them and finding ways they can help.  

Around Valentine's Day, the women mentor group leaders had a special time for all the girls in high school to focus on God's love and what it looks like to find identity in Christ as opposed to trying to find our value or identity in anything else. It was a very sweet time. Please keep praying for these girls- that they would truly find and understand their identity in Christ and live it out day to day, class by class, moment by moment. 

We are planning to be in the U.S. this summer from mid June to mid August Lord willing. We have many places to go and people to see. We are looking forward to it! We haven't seen some of you in many years. We will start in California and make our way to the east coast. Please reach out and let us know if you have any specific questions.

Thank you again for your prayers and support. We love you and thank the Lord for you.