At ABC we encourage everyone attending ABC to become a part of a weekly group where they can learn, pray, serve, and grow together. We will not grow in isolation. God has designed us to live, learn, and grow alongside others in our spiritual journey (Proverbs 27:17). We desire to move toward others in groups with vulnerability and truth (Heb. 10:23-25).

Group’s Monthly Highlight


Caring Christian Fellowship

Build Christian relationships through fun and enjoyable activities! Join us on the second Thursday of each month at 10:00 am. Check out our list of activities for the year HERE! Contact Linda at (805) 591-7039 for more information.

This month join us for a TEA PARTY on March 13th in E102.  Treats provided by the Carndonaugh House! RSVP to [email protected] by March 9th.


Current Studies & Groups

Not sure where to start, join the Connections Class! For five weeks our pastors cover our core values and how to get involved at ABC. It's an informal conversation and a great place to meet others!


Alpha - 10:30 am - Student Center | Curious about faith?  At Alpha you can ask anything. It's a safe space to question life, faith, and meaning. Everyone is welcome. Drop in any Sunday to learn what Alpha is all about. Class runs January 19th - April 13th. Contact Janie Potter at [email protected] with any questions.

Discipleship Group - 4:00 pm - Join Jerrel and Lisa Haugen and Michael and Denise Sloan to dive into the passage preached that Sunday and help each other apply the truths taught to our lives. We will meet on the 2nd and 4th Sundays at our houses beginning on September 8th. Email [email protected] to become a part of this group.  

Rejoice Service - 5:30 pm - E102 | Come join our group as we sing hymns and listen to a teaching by D.R. Ritter. Contact the church office for more information.

Seasons Group - 6:30 pm - Jump into this community group for married couples between the ages of  40-60. We will focus on scripture application, spiritual growth, shared life experiences, prayer, and outreach. We will meet Sundays from 6:30-8 at the Bermingham’s house starting on September 15th. Email [email protected] for more information about this group.

23-28 years olds - 7:00 pm - Join us each Sunday night from 7-8:30 in Sunroom. Come open up your bibles, grow in your faith, and meet new friends! For more info, contact Courtney Hermosillo at (928) 202-0303. No group for the month of March due to Worship Night and Missions Trip to Ecuador. Please join us for the Worship Night on March 16th at 5:30 for dinner and worship with the young adults. Contact Courtney with questions!


18-22 Years Old - 6:00 pm -Join our group! We are going through John Mark Comer's video series Practicing the Way. We are looking at the spiritual disciplines including Sabbath, prayer, fasting, and solitude. We meet on Monday nights from 6:00-7:30pm in SunRoom. (No meeting on 3/24) Contact Lori at [email protected] for more information.

Mighty Oaks Outpost - All men who are currently in the military, or are Veterans or First Responders are invited to attend. For more information, contact Saul Villanueva at [email protected] If you’d like to learn more about Mighty Oaks please CLICK HERE.


Senior Breakfast - 9:00 am - E102 | This group of 50+ meets on the first Wednesday of the month for a free breakfast and encouraging speaker. Contact [email protected] to reserve your spot.

Single Seniors 6:30 pm - We are a co-ed group that meets weekly for a study and fellowship. We have a full social calendar! We'd love to have our group grow. Call Georgeann Johnson for more information at (808) 785 4220.


Caring Christian Fellowship - 10:00 AM - Build Christian relationships through fun and enjoyable activities! Join us on the second Thursday of each month at 10:00 am. Check out our list of activities for the year HERE! Contact Linda at (805) 591-7039 for more information.

Stitching Ministry - 12:30pm E207 - This group meets weekly and crochets blankets, scarves and hats for our church body and local community service organizations. For more information, please email Merle at [email protected]

Embrace Grace - 6:30 - 8:30 PM E102 | Embrace Grace is a support group and Bible-based study for single moms including young women with an unexpected pregnancy. Group begins February 6th. Dinner and childcare provided. For more information, email Dawn at [email protected]

Military Moms Prayer Group - 4:45 pm - If you have a son or daughter in the military, or one who is contemplating joining, please join us to pray and fellowship together. This is a group that will meet the first Thursday of the month from 4:45-6 at Chris’ house. Contact Chris at (805) 295-0576 for more information.


Bloom - Lunchtime - Student Center | Bloom is our shared workspace on-campus at ABC and our growing center for faith and work. At Bloom, we gather regularly in groups to explore how our work and vocation intersect and integrate with our faith and discipleship. Join us for an informal StoryHour lunch, where we share life stories and work challenges and encourage each other. Contact Tom Nearing at (205) 586-5000.

Interested in starting a new group of your own?

Fill out this form, and talk to Lori about how this church can come alongside you and provide you with the tools and resources you need to start a successful small group.

Connections Coordinator

Meals Team

Sign up to take meals to those who are going through a rough time or could just use some encouragement.

Prayer chain

Sign up to pray for our church family as needs arise.

Serving opportunities

Get more connected to ABC by signing up to serve!