God is making all things new! At ABC we are all about life transformation, whether it be in a Bible Study, Men's Breakfast, or volunteering. We are all on a journey to be the men God has called us to be.
7:00 pm - Men’s purity group - Contact [email protected] if you’re interested.
6:00 am - E102 - Biblical Foundations led by Dan Kummet. 9:00 am - Library - Discovery Bible Study led by Richard Ash.
6:00 am - E102 - The Book of Hebrews led by Matt Sytsma
7:00 pm - ABC Library - A study through The Gospel of Mark
7:00 am - Men’s Breakfast and testimony share - Meets once a month by RSVP only. Please email [email protected] for the next meeting.
This active men's group meets every Thursday at 7 am in the Library. The morning starts with breakfast and a devotional before working around the campus.
Contact [email protected] if you're interested!
Upcoming Events
Men’s Breakfast
Join us for our next men's breakfast where we'll tackle the subject of loneliness and the lie that "it's part of being a man". We'll dive into the truth together that friendship is a superpower and it's all about proximity, unplanned interactions, and vulnerability.