God is making all things new! At ABC we are all about life transformation, whether it be in a Bible Study, Men's Breakfast, or volunteering. We are all on a journey to be the men God has called us to be.
7:00 pm - Men’s purity group - Contact [email protected] if you’re interested.
6:00 am - E102 - Biblical Foundations led by Dan Kummet. 9:00 am - Library - Discovery Bible Study led by Richard Ash.
6:00 am - E102 - The Book of Hebrews led by Matt Sytsma
7:00 pm - ABC Library - A study through The Book of 1 Corinthians.
7:00 am - Men’s Breakfast and testimony share - Meets once a month by RSVP only. Please email [email protected] for the next meeting.
This active men's group meets every Thursday at 7 am in the Library. The morning starts with breakfast and a devotional before working around the campus.
Contact [email protected] if you're interested!
Upcoming Events
guy’s Worship Night
Why do we worship, how do we do it, am I doing it right, what's the point...? Maybe you've asked or are asking some of these questions about worship...We'll learn about how and why we worship, but ultimately this night is for the guys of the church to simply join in worship as we express our adoration and praise to God together. Join us on Wednesday, Feb. 5th at 7pm in the Worship Center for guys worship night here at ABC!