The purpose of ABC Kids Ministry is to partner with parents in equipping kids to become more like Jesus. We offer an engaging kids service for both Elementary (Kg - 5th grade) and Early Childhood (birth - 4yrs old) in the Family Center building!


We use Wonder Ink curriculum with Bible based lessons to creatively engage kids and families in God's word. Check out the following resources to help integrate our Sunday morning experience into your family's spiritual growth all week long.

Sunday Registration

If you are coming to ABC for the first time this weekend, we’d love to be ready for you! You need to pre-register ONE TIME ONLY by filling out the form below for each child. You will check-in your children in the Family Center lobby at our check-in booth. You will receive two tags, one for your child to wear and one as your pick up tag. You will then need to initial your child in and out on the roster in their classrooms.


Join our team of volunteers! We would love to add to our team of people who love kids and want to share God's word and love with them! Click the application below to start the process.


Family Night In

Want to spend intentional time together with your family? Bring them out to ABC on Friday, April 4th for an evening of snacks and games! We’ll meet together in the ABC gym from 6-7:30pm where we will facilitate games for you and your family.


Come see something special, fantastical and new! Come hear the story of misfits and outcasts who found a friend in the Showman and a place in the Show. For kids entering KG-5th grade, June 9-13th. Volunteer HERE. Register below.


Follow us on Social Media

facebook…...ABCkidmin instagram….@abckidmin