Where to start..
Curious to find out how God has gifted you? Take the free Spiritual Gifts test at https://www.freeshapetest.com/ to get an idea of serving areas that suit you best. And if you want to talk about it, we’d love to meet you for coffee! Email [email protected] for more info.
Already have an idea of where you would like to serve? Scroll through our list of serving opportunities below!
Weekend serving opportunities
Welcome team
Help make Sunday mornings a welcoming and friendly environment for everyone!
Email [email protected] to learn about different ways to volunteer on this team.
Join the rotation of volunteers that serve our donuts and coffee on Sunday mornings.
Email [email protected] to volunteer or for more information.
Prayer team
On Sunday mornings, we have a Prayer Team available to pray for anyone who would like prayer.
Email [email protected]
We would love to add to our team of people who love kids and want to share God's word and love with them! Click the application below to start the process.
Tech team
Introverts welcome! We need people to sit back in the tech booth and click buttons for slides on Sundays. Minimal social interactions required!
Email [email protected] for more information.
Sunday Set-up/tear-down
Help get the campus ready before church on Sunday mornings, or stay after the last service to put everything away.
Email [email protected] if you are able to help at either time.
Weekday serving opportunities
What to be a barista? We’d love to train you. We are looking for volunteers to make this outreach a friendly place, with a fun atmosphere, and great coffee! Email [email protected]
meals team
Sign up to take meals to those who are going through a rough time, illness or surgery, or could just use some encouragement.
If you like to cook for large groups (30+) Email [email protected].
Join other men from ABC on Thursday mornings at 7am to Clean and Repair EveryWhere on our campus. It includes breakfast and a devotion too! Contact [email protected]
Love in Action
Join our Love in Action group to be notified when various needs come up in our church, and see if you are able to help. It’s everything from providing a ride, doing minor house repairs, or donating a piece of furniture to a family in need. Email [email protected] and asked to be added to Love In Action.
ABC hosts a HS homeschool co-op on campus during the week, and we could use some volunteers to help supervise the kids while they do their schoolwork. Contact [email protected]
kids Care
Love kids? You can really help the church by volunteering to do childcare at ABC so that men and women can attend our groups, Celebrate Recovery, Mom2mom and Women’s Bible Study.
[email protected] can give you more information.
Community serving opportunities
ABC supports our neighbor the El Camino Homeless Organization to empower people to make positive change by providing food, shelter, and supportive services. ECHO has a whole page dedicated to volunteering! Check out the options at
The Link
The Link is a family resource center that works with students in Atascadero to access food, housing, clothing, healthcare, mental health care, and parent education. The Link advocates for students and their families to support academic success. One of their biggest needs is clothing for students as they come back to school. Contact Sonia Greene at (805) 674-3827 for more information on current needs and how you can help. Visit https://linkslo.org/ for more information.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes holds weekly meetings at Atascadero High School with student athletes. Their mission is to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes. You can help by providing pizza!
Paso Loaves & Fishes
Loaves & Fishes is a Christian ministry treating every person with the dignity of being created and loved by God. We specialize in helping the working poor, the elderly living on a fixed income, young parents trying to make ends meet. Learn more about volunteering at https://loavesandfishespaso.org/contact/
tree of life
Women facing pregnancy decisions can find compassion, hope, positive options, and practical help from our friendly and knowledgeable staff and volunteers. Learn how to help this organization by calling (805) 543-6000 or visiting
TUMI at CMC facilitates a 3 year Master's Seminary program for prisoners to become pastors/church leaders both inside of prison as well as when they get out. We need Spanish speakers on Saturday evening and people willing to grade papers from home. Contact Mark Marshall (805) 900-4872 cell/text or email [email protected]