December 2020 Update from Abel and Sarah
We are so thankful for the connections that the Lord has been providing as we continue working on training national missionaries in East Africa. The team there, though it looks different than we expected, is being prepared surely for the work that the Lord has for them.
The connections?
A group in Michigan has taken on the publishing of two versions of the Swahili lessons that were made over the last few years. They will be available, Lord willing, beginning March.
I am still working hard on the editing of the Swahili lessons ‘Eternity to Eternity.’ I am within 100 pages of being done. There is a group in Kenya working on adjusting them to be easily readable in Kenyan Swahili!
A family has joined our support team. What an answer to prayer! We are thankful that the Lord always provides. If you would like to support us through our organization, please click here.
I (Abel) will be on the central coast from November 28- December 7. I am thankful for the Lord providing a place to stay, and for the chance to reconnect with friends.
I got to attend (virtually) the 2020 ECHO International Agriculture Conference. It turns out that one of the speakers is a coworker with several of the Professors from the Michigan State Ag department that we met with earlier this month! Small world.
Sarah is doing a great job with the kids in keeping up with homeschool. The Lord has provided some sweet relationships for her around here. We are very thankful.
Please be praying for us for wisdom as we continue working through the process of returning to Tanzania when the Lord sees fit.
Please be praying for opportunities to be used to build up the Body here as long as the Lord would see fit to have us here.
Thank you for your support.