June 2022 Update from Abel and Sarah

'We know that our grandfathers (ancestors) lead us because they come back to us and tell us the things to do and where to go.’
What would you say to this pastor? How would you help him biblically to understand what is happening in this situation?
Thank you for your prayers as we continue to travel the country teaching/ reviewing the curriculum book that we wrote. The pastors we are visiting are about halfway through reading the lessons. We went to three different cities so far to teach, and we are on our second day of teaching in the fourth city.
The teaching has gone very well, and we are very encouraged with the response and impact that we are seeing with these pastors.
Please be praying for us all as we continue on the journey. We still have one more city and group of pastors to meet with.
This is a picture from one of the schools run by one of the 25 pastors that we have been working with. This picture shows tea-time for only one set of students at that school. The teachers are taught by this particular pastor. The teachers then teach hundreds of students. The pastor at this location oversees four other churches, besides this one, that his people have planted. The Lord is doing a lot of things in Tanzania. Our job for now is to help these pastors, who will be teaching others, to read and understand scripture more fully.
Please be praying for our sensitivity to the Lord’s leading as we continue on these trips. Please also be praying for these pastors, that they would be faithful to read God’s Word, and be both challenged and grow in their faith.
