July 2022 Update from Abel and Sarah

We are excited with the way that the Lord is bringing up opportunities to be used here in

East Africa. He has put us on a team, and then grown the team bigger than we could have

imagined. He grew the team by opening our eyes. We came with the idea that we were a

few, well-trained, church-planting experts. He has shown us that He is the one who grows

His Church, and that we are a part of what He is doing here. We struggled for years to figure

out how we, as foreigners, fit into the local church. We had the title of missionary, and with

that title came a lot of expectations from the local church. After years of attending, and

building relationships, we are seen as a part of the local church, and we see ourselves as a

part of the local church. This has been a life-changing revelation to our team.

A family from our team was approved on Sunday to go out as missionaries from their local



They are movers and shakers. Please be praying for the Lopezes. They plan on moving out in

the next six months with Tanzanian teammates, and another couple from our team here.

The family, pictured above, was also able to attend a missions conference a few weeks ago

that was very exciting. Because of Corona, and other limiting factors on many missions

organizations (read - God is doing stuff), the Church is taking responsibility for missions.

Here is a picture taken at the conference:


We, the Millers, have had the opportunity to help teach at a Bible College here in the big

City. Our goal is to help the students and pastors attending the college to interact with,

discuss, and know the Word. We intentionally bring their worldview to tension with God’s

Word. Every time the students allow God’s Word to be their standard of measuring Truth,

His Word gets more weight. God wrote to us, His creatures, about who He is, and how we

relate to Him. It’s a very good thing when this book gets more weight. Here is a picture of

the students when they came to our house on Monday to do a review for their upcoming



They also were treated to tea, muffins, popcorn, and Sarah’s special smoothies. Please be

praying for the students as they take their exam and move out as teachers, pastors and

contributing Church members.

Every other Tuesday we get to host a life group at our house. We are all growing and

enjoying fellowship while having a safe environment where we can bring up challenging

questions and work to find the answers in Scripture. During the study, Andrew and the girls

play with the kids and then either do a Bible story with questions or watch a show from a

series called “Superbook” on YouTube during that time. Here is a picture of the Life group:


I have been re-appointed as the Missionary Training Coordinator for Swahili-Speaking East

Africa. We are continuing to work on developing a curriculum in Swahili that will coincide

with the training at other NTM/Ethnos360 training centers worldwide, so that Tanzanian

trained missionaries will be able to work well with coworkers who have been trained in the

other regions. We are also working on building a network with other denominations and

seeing how we could be an assistance in what the Lord is doing in their group. Here is a

picture of Thom at a meeting on Wednesday where we as the missionary training team

were working through what we see the Lord doing, and how we can move forward:


I had the opportunity on Saturday to be the Guest of Honor as the interns from the Grace

Mission Internship Program graduated. The interns were trained to use the Bible as their

measuring tape to test all things as Truth or not-Truth. The next group of interns will be

taught using the Milele Hata Milele book as part of their curriculum. Here is a picture with

the teachers and the students:


We as a family are doing well overall. School is finished for the kids as of last week. They

had a good school year. Thank you to all of you who were praying about their transition

back here. It was a joy to see them get involved in many ways in school, church,

community, and with friends. Now they have already been enjoying the beach, guinea pig

sitting for a family who is traveling, staying up late with friends, watching movies, and more.


We see God’s work in their lives. Continue to pray for them as they use their gifts and

abilities for His glory. May God be praised through them, through us.

Thank you for your prayers and your financial support. We thank God for you.

Abel for the Millers

Pictured below: All of us right before Andrew and Heidi performed in their Mary Poppins

play, Andrew and Heidi with friends at a YoungLife event, Pacey with a teacher from school

on Sports Day, the kids and I on Father’s Day, and Pacey and Heidi enjoying the guinea pigs.