July 2023 Update from Abel and Sarah
We are nearly done with Swahili version of the third module of the missionary training curriculum. The first module was the equivalent of the BoFF, extended into eternity future. It tells God’s story, who He is, why He made us, and what His plan is (Reconciling a broken relationship through Christ). If the first module (Building on Firm Foundations) can be seen as God’s narrative on all things, this third module, going through Romans and First and Second Thessalonians, answers the question that comes out of the BoFF- ‘How do we live in God’s narrative?’
Please pray with us as we praise the Lord for all of the chances that we have had to teach through the lessons all over the country. Praise the Lord with us for how He grows us and develops us as we interact with scripture during the development process of these modules and also during the teaching of the lessons. Praise the Lord with us for the pastors who study scripture with us and come out of the lessons changed, and excited about the Lord. Praise the Lord for growing us together as a team through this process. Praise the Lord for the pastors who are teaching through the lessons and being challenged as they do so.
Please pray also for our team to continue to grow tighter together. Pray for our team to expand. Though we only have three Ethnos360 Missionary families here in Tanzania, we see how the Lord has brought other Tanzanian believers into the team…or us into their team…, or maybe more accurately, all of us into what God is doing here in Tanzania. Pray for more missionaries to come and help us here in Tanzania. After 2020, we lost the majority of our team here. We trust that we have the people in place currently that need to be here, but we are also looking for 10 more families to help in service roles as well as in church planting works.
Thank you for your prayers, and may God bless you.