July 2020 Update from Brooke Bateman
Dear ABC Family,
Praise God that restrictions in Romania are lifting a bit. Please pray that everyone does their part to be safe. And that covid-19 cases do not spike. They did a little bit last week.
Praise God that my brother Grant is seeking God more. We are reading through the book of John together. Please pray for my family to find a church near their homes and get connected to a body of believers.
Pray for me as I am mentoring and growing close to a young Deaf woman named Claudia.
Praise God 9 Deaf people were baptized and 12 trained to teach Deaf children about Jesus.
Praise God that the very first Sign Language Bible has been competed! It is the American Sign Language Version.
There are about 400 more sign language translations to go! Please pray for God to use me however He wants in the work of Bible Translation among these unreached people.
Please pray that I continue to build great relationships, walk in humility, and learn both Romanian and Romanian Sign language well.
I have been struggling with fatigue. I would really appreciate prayers for energy and health.
Thank you very much for all you love, prayers, and support!