Aug 2023 Update from Brooke Bateman
Thank you for your prayers for the Romanian Sign Language Bible dedication. The celebration last month was a success! We celebrated the complete translation of the book Mark into Romanian Sign Language.
All glory and praise to God that the Deaf in Romania have access to this in their language. Please pray for the team as they move into the next translation project. Praise God for my Deaf pastor Nicu, who joined the translation team. He has an incredible gift of communication and teaching the Word in sign language. Please pray for the Scriptures to be used and to transform the Deaf throughout Romania.
Thank you for your prayers for my family. My step dad Mike has a successful liver transplants he gave his heart to Jesus. And my moms faith has grown so much through this trail. However, they still need your prayers. Mike’s recovery is a LONG slow one. He’s still in the hospital. He’s still on a feeding tube and isn’t strong enough to walk either. Please pray for him and his healing. And for my mom.
I will travel to Israel this August. I will go with one of my sending churches! And I will work to gather information for the Deaf Bible translation teams to use. I plan to capture photos and videos of all sorts of different Biblical places, artifacts, and history. Then adding sign language videos with me signing and explaining the video and photo content so the Deaf can have access to the information in their language. The prayer and goal is that it will aid and support in their understanding and translation work.
Lastly, please pray for my health and strength.
Spiritually I am doing very well and am feeling so close to the Lord. He is doing a deep
work in my heart these days. :)