Oct. 2023 Update from Brooke Bateman
Thank you for your prayers for my family during this season of grief and loss. My time here with my mom and brother has been bittersweet and healing as we said goodbye to Mike, my stepdad. The service was wonderful and honoring to the Lord. Praise God.
I am struggling this week with fatigue, sorrow, and loss. Please pray for me to draw deeply from the well and be poured into and refreshed by the Holy Spirit. I haven't been home in a month and am out of my routine trying to balance ministry online and family, life etc.
Please pray for my travels back to Romania this Friday and for my mom as she will be alone for the first time. Pray for my brother and I to know how to encourage and bless her from afar.
I will be traveling to Israel next week October 11th-20th. I KNOW deep within my soul that this will be life-changing and just what I need in this season. Please pray that I can learn and grow closer to the Lord as well as the friends I go with. This trip will be with Romanians and Americans. :)
Due to the challenges this month, I am falling behind in my Classical Hebrew online course. Please pray for me to catch up and to be able to absorb the language and focus well.
Thank you for your faithful prayers. As always please pray for the Deaf Bible translators who work in countries where they are in many cases the few existing believers. Pray for them to be infused with God's wisdom, grace, strength and love. As well as living righteously, holy, and set apart. Pray for church planting among their communities and clear natural Bible translations. Please pray that the Deaf would be ready and receptive to God's Word.