October 2020 Prayer Requests from David and Leanne Jimenez

Here are some prayer requests for this month from Newlove Christian Church.

Please pray for:

Rosa, one of our neighbors to whom we have presented the Gospel and been in contact for a few months. She seems responsive to the Good news but has not made a decision yet. Also, for her husband who has been listening, we believe God is working in their hearts.

Brandon, one of our youth members, and part of the worship team, he left to go to college in Iowa. For wisdom, guidance, and strength during these difficult times and for his family that stayed in Santa Maria. They're the first family from our church to send their son to college.

Our family as we have an important meeting on October 28th with the HS administration to go over our daughter's last two years of education. It has been very difficult for dealing with them for the last two years. Now Eden is receiving 4.5 hrs. of private education per week in an attempt to fill the gaps in her education.

Jed, our son who is in Calpoly and travels a couple of days per week. For safety on the road and health.

Our church, as we continue to seek God's direction about meeting in person. We lack space in our building to meet the protocol guidelines.

Thank you for your continued support and the special gift we received last month. We really appreciate it and God's timing is perfect ALWAYS! Thank you for your prayers on our behalf, we certainly need them and covet them. May God bless you abundantly according to his will,

In His Service,

David, Leanne, Jed, and Eden.