May 2021 Prayer Requests from David and Leanne Jimenez
Here are our prayer requests for May. Hard to believe but spring is almost gone! Please keep praying for: Our new visitors: Maribel and Eduardo. They are brother and sister that came from Mexico. They were born here in the US but taken as children back to Mexico. Now over 20 years later, they are back to start the paperwork to get their IDs and passports. Maribel plans to go to school here in California and her brother plans to go back to Mexico shortly. Maribel has attended a Christian Church in Mexico and she is glad to attend ours here in the community of Newlove. Her brother has not attended church in Mexico but hasn’t missed any Sunday service since his arrival. We hope and pray that he will receive Jesus as his personal Savior before he leaves for Mexico. The plans for the Literacy program/outreach we want to start in the community with the church members’ leadership. The Children’s ministry as we look forward to opening up in a few weeks and please keep praying for volunteers. Our family, Eden continues taking classes in SLO 3 times per week, Jed is almost finished with his 3rd quarter at CalPoly. Leanne is looking forward to a break from school, as Covid and the school admin have put a lot of stress on the teachers. Some of them are retiring this year.
Thanks again for your partnership with us in the ministry over the years. We covet your prayers on our behalf.
In His Service,