March 2022 Prayer Requests from David and Leanne Jimenez
Please be praying for:
The Homeless outreach starting next month on March 12th. We will be passing out some “burritos” to break up the ice and then will be looking for opportunities to share the Gospel with them. There are about 5 men that are going to be starting this ministry.
For the bible study will be starting next week on Thursday nights.
My arm surgery on March 9th on my right arm fixing the ulnar nerve. Once it healed, the doctor will schedule my left arm.
For Francisco. I spent a couple of hours this week talking with him. His wife has left him and he has come to the church on Sunday.
Thanks again for supporting us in prayer and through our partnership in this ministry. You are an important part in what’s happening here in Santa Maria.
In His Service…
David and Leanne