Oct 2022 Prayer Requests from David and Leanne Jimenez

Here are some prayer requests from Newlove Church.

Please be praying for:

Maria de los Angeles, a church member that has been disconnected from the church for a couple of months and now Carmelita is going to talk to her and help with some issues in her life.

For the youth group and the new schedule for bible study meetings.

For the homeless and food distribution ministries and the leaders. For time, and volunteers recruiting.

For Leanne and the prescription she is going to be on for long haul.

For Jed and Eden as the start classes again after the break. Jed is thankful for the experience working as an intern for one the engineering companies here in Santa Maria.

We're thankful to our Lord for life, ministry, family and friends. We're blessed to have ABC as a ministry partner.