June 2023Prayer Requests from Nathan and Naomi
Thank the Lord for a wonderful team of family and friends that are giving their time and talents to launch this endeavor!
Pray that we would complete the set-up and find our first tenant soon!
Help us get the word out by sharing this link with family and friends who you think might need a furnished place to stay temporarily or who might know someone who does (https://www.furnishedfinder.com/property/522614_1). Examples include: traveling nurses or other professionals, professors or students, digital nomads, those in the film industry who are traveling for a shoot.
Consider a staycation or sleepover! It would help us out a lot if you would consider staying for a night for free in exchange for a 5-star review or constructive feedback on how we can improve the experience for guests. We would especially appreciate any nurses who might be willing to do this because that is our target demographic. We are looking for people who can do this within the next week or two.