July 2022 Prayer Needs from Travis and Natasha Phillips
Greetings from the Philippines!
Thank you for bringing our prayer requests to the Lord. It’s June 23 as I (Travis) write these things out.
We are scheduled to complete Phase 2(b) of formal language study tomorrow (6/24). We thank the Lord for His continued grace in our language learning. We will begin Phase 3 on Monday. Phase 3 is significantly longer (20 hours/week for 8 weeks) than Phase 2 which was only 4 weeks. Our Phase 2 went a little longer because I was sick for two weeks. I am thankful that my sense of smell and taste seem to be coming back!
Another praise is that our pilot is returning to the field. In fact, by the time you’re reading this, he is probably already here. This will allow us to do survey trips to determine the need for Bible translation, church planting and discipleship in the least reached language groups on our island. It will also allow us to visit some of the existing church planting works.
Another praise is that we have three new missionary families arriving! The Lord is building up a team here, providing enough hands to do some wonderful work in the remaining language groups who have yet to be taught through the Scriptures in their heart language.
We have to do a little road trip in order to get Philippine driver’s licenses. This can be quite a time consuming process, and with two little kids, it could be rough. Please pray for us in this. We haven’t driven a car since January!
Please pray for health and safety and passion for the Lord and His word for all of us missionaries on the island. Please pray for our walks with Christ and our love for one another, that the Lord would be glorified.