August 2020 Prayer Needs from Bob and Susan Engel
Yes these are very challenging times and yet great opportunity for the Gospel to advance. People are scared, confused, frustrated. Jesus continues to say to anyone who will listen, "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” God desires that none should perish. He uses everything to draw all men unto Himself...even government decisions.
Here are my August prayer requests. I kept most of what I sent you for July but pared down the details:
We are pursuing a grant with the Lily Foundation called, Thriving Congregations. Please pray that we would find favor with the Foundation. The grant would allow us to equip 12 church planting movements at 3 different stages in their movement - Emerging, Developing, and Maturing.
Church planting movement led by Returning Citizens update. I have been in contact with the TUMI National Program Director for Prison Fellowship to talk about planting churches inside and outside of prisons with TUMI students. She was very excited. Please join me in praying: 1) That she would have favor with Prison Fellowship Leadership as she shares the vision, 2) Confirmation of a leader to lead the vision/movement, 3) that I would neither lag behind or move forward apart from the Spirit's clear leading (1 Chronicles 14:10; Galatians 5:25).
Objectives and key results for July 1 - September 30 (1 Quarter 2020/2021) contribute towards our vision of a healthy church in every community of poverty. 1) Collaborate w/40 new partners
Aug 15 - contact 60 prospective Deans
Sept 10 - conduct Zoom mtg w/each potential Dean
Sept 30 - 40 new Deans Enlisted
2) Strengthen & expand Evangel
Sept 30 - Evangel Council booklet draft completed; 5 Evangel Dean Catalyst's certified; Evangel Coaching Network designed
3) 6 Partners strengthened in evangelism
Sept 30 - 12 top partners contacted to enlist in Evangelism workshop; Facilitate Evangelism
workshop with 6 partners; Evangelism trac drafted
4) 3 MOU's signed w/emerging, developing, maturing church plant movements by Sept 30Pray that the Spirit of the Lord would protect and draw the Engels closer to Himself in Christ Jesus.