April 2021 Prayer Needs from Bob and Susan

I'm very excited to announce that The Evangel School of Urban Church Planting, Dean Training will host our Commissioning Service Saturday, April 10, 10 am - 12 pm CST. Our Evangel Dean Candidates will be wrapping up their training and strategic plans. There are plans to host Evangel Schools for Church Plant Teams targeting communities of poverty in Ecuador, Honduras, Kenya, India, Bangladesh, Liberia, inside prisons internationally through Prisoners for Christ, Michigan, California, Haiti, NYC, New Jersey, and I might be missing a location. Please join us in thanking the Lord of the Harvest for sending us equippers of church plant teams to train, commission, and release into the harvest field. Please feel free to join in our virtual Evangel Dean Commissioning Service by Zoom: https://tumi.zoom.us/j/97750012141?pwd=aHlQZmJIaTZLUWQvWmZZcU5sOFRyQT09 Thank you for your continued prayers for wisdom and favor as I cast vision and opportunity to other leaders of church planting movements. Here is an update from last month's request for prayers and their MOU status. Please pray for God's will to be done and His strength and favor as we move forward with these MOU partners.

  1. Paul Lessard - Executive Minister of Start and Strengthen Churches with the Evangelical Covenant Church. The MOU was accepted and now going to the President to be signed. I have no update to report.

  2. Joseph Biswas - Founder and President Global Bangla Mission. The MOU has been submitted. Here is a summary: Joseph has personal relationships with Bengali Christians in 9 states and in Canada. His vision is to unite these Christians around evangelism training, leadership development, and church planting leading to more conversions, leaders and churches planted. I will consult, coach, certify and convene with Joseph in order to bring into fruition, by God's grace, Joseph's vision.

  3. David Hernandez - Operation Evangel: Cuba and Mexico. MOU has been signed to equip key leaders in the 1,600 Prison Chaplaincy program to facilitate Evangel Schools of Urban Church Planting. The first step of the process took place last month (March) by equipping 20-25 Chaplains in one District with our discipleship material, Fight The Good Fight of Faith: Playing Your Part in God's Unfolding Drama. The goal is to finish with all the districts before Summer. This will lay the foundation for the Evangel Schools of Urban Church Planting.

  4. Carl Johnson - Operation Praxis and Pillar Network. Here is the summary as written in the MOU: There is an exodus from the church among and with the poor. Specifically, inner-city neighborhoods of America. Carl seeks to vigorously create social good churches. Churches that create a formal business in inner-city neighborhoods and plant churches. These churches will be multi-micro churches that focus on making disciple-makers among the poor. This M.O.U. is a partnership with Carl to equip 25 missional communities in church plant training. Mentorship/Apprenticeship groups will form the foundation that will lead to multi-micro churches being established to the end that the Praxis and Pillar Network is strengthened.

    Please pray now for the Evangel Gathering: Sacred Roots Thriving in Ministry conference/training, May 13-15 by Zoom. I have invited 25 leaders of church planting movements to inspire, encourage, resource, and be equipped through Sacred Roots workshops on how to use four spiritual classics to apprentice church planters and leaders in a cohort format for 1-year (2021-2022). Pray that the Holy Spirit would move on the right movement leaders to commit to this time. Pray that the Engel Family would be drawn closer to God in Christ Jesus. Pray for me that I continue to stay hungry and clear on the vision for a healthy church in every community of poverty here and around the world.

Bob and SusanABC Team