February 2021 Prayer Needs from Bob and Susan
Here are my February prayer requests: Primarily the Evangel School of Urban Church Planting, Dean Training online will begin on Monday, February 22 with Orientation. The Evangel Dean Training is designed for leaders of church planting movements. We quip them to host an Evangel School of Urban Church Planting from A-Z for their church plant teams. It is a strategic way to empower movements to reach more lost souls with the Gospel and congregating them into new healthy churches in communities of poverty. Pray for us as the training will all take place online (by Zoom). Secondly, Pray for wisdom and favor as I cast vision and opportunity to establish MOU's in planting churches among the poor with the church planting movement leaders. I have meetings already scheduled with the following leaders to discuss the next steps in partnering together: Bishop Walter Harvey - President of the National Black Fellowship of the Assemblies of God. Paul Lessard - Executive Minister of Start and Strengthen Churches with the Evangelical Covenant Church. Joseph Biswas - Founder and President Global Bangla Mission. Church planting in U.S., Canada, and Bangladesh. David Hernandez - Operation Evangel: Cuba and Mexico. Thirdly, one of my 3rd Quarter objectives that I shared in last month’s prayer requests is the strengthening of the Evangel Grant. There are growing opportunities with leaders of church planting movements and in the MOU's I would like to include financial boosts where appropriate. This is not a salary but a boost to get the vision of the leader off the ground. Lastly, pray that the Engel Family would be drawn closer to God in Christ Jesus. Pray for me that I continue to stay hungry and clear on the vision for a healthy church in every community of poverty here and around the world.
"...not of those who shrink back..." Hebrews 10:39