October 2021 Prayer Needs from Bob and Susan
Here are my October prayer requests:
We now have 6 leaders from Africa who are still going through the Evangel Dean Training. Pray clarity of mind and discipline of time for them as the training is arduous.
Praise. Operation Evangel: Cuba and Mexico. Our leader in Cuba is past the critical stage of Covid and is pretty much recovered and in full health. Pray that we will hear clearly from the Spirit of the Lord as to the timing to move forward in equipping the leaders in Cuba to facilitate Evangel Schools for their church plant teams.
The Spirit of the Lord was with us for the Evangel Network meeting in Indiana. Our theme for the 2022 Evangel Gathering is, Sacred Roots Thriving in Ministry: Moving Forward to Multiply. Preparations for this gathering of church plant movement leaders begins now. Pray for me as I oversee the details of this gathering.
We are making plans to facilitate an international gathering of leaders of movements who desire to be certified as Evangel Deans. Our target dates will be sometime between January 15 - February 20. Please pray for favor for the following potential leaders (country name) as they seek Visas from their government: Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Liberia. Pray for me as I work with our Evangel Dean Coaches on the details of this training.
October 7-9 I will be speaking to the Mid-Atlantic Charismatic Episcopal Church (C.E.C.) Retreat. The theme is, "ReMission." Please join me in praying for the words and challenge the Spirit of the Lord would have me speak to the leaders of this denomination. The Patriarch of the C.E.C. will be there.
October 10-16 I will be in Wichita for TUMI (The Urban Ministry Institute) and World Impact meetings and to celebrate World Impacts 50 year anniversary. I've been with them for over 39 of those 50 years (I'm the old timer). Pray for the joy of celebration to be in our midst.
Pray that the Engel's would be drawn closer to God in Christ Jesus and pray for me as I work with these leaders of movements.
"...not of those who shrink back..." Hebrews 10:39