November 2021 Prayer Needs from Bob and Susan
Here are my November prayer requests:
We will be commissioning our 6 leaders from Africa as Evangel Dean's. They did an excellent job and we look forward to great fruit for the Kingdom of God. Please pray for the Spirit of the Lord to decend upon our Commissioning Service with great joy and celebration.
We are making plans to facilitate an international gathering of leaders of movements who desire to be certified as Evangel Deans. The dates have been set for January 30 - February 3. Please pray for favor for the following potential leaders (country name) as they seek Visas from their government: Pakistan, Bangladesh (2 Teams), Liberia and possibly Vietnam. We are excited that the host location is Atascadero Bible Church. HALLELUJAH. Pray for me as I work with our Evangel Dean Coaches on the details of this training.
Nov 2. Dr. Davis and I will commission Bishop Charles Sekelwa as an Evangel Dean Catalyst which will allow him to facilitate Evangel Dean Schools in his context.
Nov 14-17 I will be in Atlanta for the Church Planters Leadership Fellowship. Join me in praying for partnerships to form with those who seek to plant healthy churches in communities of poverty domestically and internationally.
Nov 22-24 Evangel Dean Boaz Masinde will facilitate the Maqor Pastoral Evangel School in Kenya. He has a goal to equip 80 churches which will comprise an incredible amount of church plant teams being trained to plant churches among the poor.
Nov 29 Dec 1 I will be in Wichita for strategic planning on apprenticeships and Evangel. Pray for Dr. Davis and I to be led by the Holy Spirit in our planning.
Pray that the Engel's would be drawn closer to God in Christ Jesus and pray for me as I work with these leaders of movements.