January 2022 Prayer Needs from Bob and Susan

We will begin a hybrid Evangel Dean Training for Bernard Emerson and the Converge Worldwide PacWest leadership. The online training begins this month and culminates with in-person coaching March 27-29. Please pray for joy, wisdom and clarity from the Holy Spirit for the PacWest Team and for our Evangel Dean Coaches.

January 10-13 I will be in Wichita for strategic planning and for meetings with church planting leadership for the Evangelical Covenant Church . Pray that we would all hear clearly from the Holy Spirit as to next steps in moving forward to multiply healthy churches in every community of poverty.

At The end of January I will be in Los Angeles with several TUMI staff for the Testimony Reunion Conference with Jarrett Keith and Testimony Ministries. Jarrett was incarcerated and a TUMI graduate. Pray that the Lord would have free movement during our time with the re-entry delegates attending the conference.

Directly after the Testimony Reunion Conference I will stay afterwards to connect with Josh McEwen and Reggie Brard for some recon time getting ready for the ABC H.S. ministry trip to Los Angeles. Pray for us and the connections that have been made that details for the trip can all be taken care of.

Pray that the Engel's would be drawn closer to God in Christ Jesus and pray for me as I work with these leaders of movements.

Bob and SusanABC Team