September 2024 Prayer Needs Brad and Hannah Smith
Hannah is having ongoing nerve pain that is again keeping her up at night, inspite of pain medication. As for being out of the woods regarding ongoing problems, that is not the case for us, and suffice to say, the nerves in her face and head are jacked up. Please pray for complete healing and patience as we continue to navigate this difficult virus.
The boys just started school: Sawyer is entering a pivotal year in 6th grade and Hudson as well with 8th grade. Both are in for major shifts, please keep them in your prayers.
I am regrouping after months of planning and preparation went out the window with Hannah’s virus. Having missed the major project / trip I was planning to be a part of in August, we as a team are shifting and forming now the focus for the fall. A major focus however continues to be new missionaries. Please pray that God brings the right people to the organization. The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.