Sept 2022 Prayer Needs Luke and Jessica Thek

All Over

Luke Thek — August 26, 2022

“stap nabaut nabaut” - To be all over the place. Jess and I have been ‘stap nabaut nabaut.’ We visited a remote location called Yifki that has an established church. We moved to Madang, a hot and sweaty coastal location, to begin orientation. We went back to the mountains to speak at the missionary kids’ high school senior retreat. We came back to the coast to finally get into full time national culture and language acquisition. God has been good, we are stoked, and we thank you for praying for us. Check out the sweet video above.

Prayer and Praise:

God be praised that we have been safe during this election time and the Lord has gotten us to all the places we needed to be.

Praise the Lord for the opportunity to share God’s word with the high school senior class of missionary kids at their retreat.

Please pray for our diligence in national culture and language study. We have made good progress in language since we have been here but there is still plenty to learn.

We moved to a new area in PNG to begin learning language full time. We have already learned plenty of language but we have lots of language and culture still to go. We would love prayer for diligence and understanding.

We do not have the words yet to communicate the gospel so we pray that the friendships we form now while we are learning can lead to something bigger like our friends coming to know Jesus after we leave here.

Please continue to pray with us that the Lord would guide us as we pray about looking for coworkers to go into the tribe with us.

Please pray for more laborers for the harvest of papua new guinea.

Dan Kummet