Mar 2024 Prayer Needs Luke and Jessica Thek

 Please pray for fuel in Papua New Guinea. Our aviation department is feeling the effects of NO LONGER BEING ABLE TO PURCHASE ANY FUEL. The major(only) fuel company here just canceled their contract with the whole country and now we are just running on reserves. If this situation is not resolved then we will not be able to fly into Uruwa to build our houses after March 6th and we will mostly just be waiting. We trust a God far bigger than fuel companies and we are praying He makes big moves!

Pray for clear weather in Uruwa for building and for flying materials in

Pray that during this busy time of house building that we can find good opportunities to represent Christ well

Pray for the relationships we are already forming. Many Uruwa people are helping us build our houses and we hope and pray that we are already seeing the beginning to see lasting friendships that bring these people to a true knowledge of the gospel. 

Pray that our team would remain unified (1 Peter 3:8) as we make decisions and continue to work together on houses and relationships

Pray for the Uruwa people that the Lord would be preparing their hearts for one day hearing the teaching of the Bible in thier own language 

Pray for the Uruwa people as well for thier teachers. They have 8 teachers that don't have a way to come into Uruwa to begin the school year because the flight company that used to service them crashed their last plane recently. Pray that they would recieve favor as they reach out to other aviation companies and that in spite of the fuel crisis that they could get their teachers in. 

Please pray for open hearts in PNG. We have shared the gospel with many in this country and some are more open than others. We hired a truck to drive some materials for us to the airport and the driver, Pinta, began the conversation in a spiritual direction, but upon further investigation, did not seem very interested in considering a gospel based on faith rather than works. Very strange as most PNG people are usually happy to consider such things.

Dan Kummet