May 2023 Prayer Requests from Bob and Susan Engel
Here are my May Prayer requests:
Praise. Your prayers led the way for my training and commissioning trip to Cuba. We now have an Evangel Dean in each of the 16 provinces covering Cuba from end-to-end. We have now empowered them to equip all 2100 chaplains in their church planting movement. We also trained and commissioned 147 church planters and I was blessed to give a word of charge to 11 Teen Challenge individuals who completed their evangelism/discipleship training using our Fight The Good Fight of Faith curriculum. Though oppressed and poor, there is a gospel movement revival taking place in Cuba. Thank you for your prayers and support. You are truly an Acts 1:8 Great Commission Church. .
Begin to pray now for the July 13-16 Evangel Gathering to take place at Atascadero Bible Church. This is an invitation to a unique group of leaders who are equipping Released Citizens from prison to plant churches and those who are equipping leaders doing Kingdom work inside of prisons to plant churches. Specifically pray that: 1) the right leaders will respond, 2) that the details will fall into place, 3) our costs will be covered, 4) the speakers and presenters will receive spiritual key insights to communicate to the attendees.
Pray for the Holy Spirit to move upon Sudipta Nanda, our Evangel Dean, who is in the first stages of facilitating his first Evangel School in India with 30 church plant teams.. Pray also for several of our Bengali Evangel Deans who are facilitating their first Evangel School this month.