June 2023 Prayer Requests from Bob and Susan Engel

Begin to pray now for the July 13-16 Evangel Gathering to take place at Atascadero Bible Church. This is an invitation to a unique group of leaders who are equipping Released Citizens from prison to plant churches and those who are equipping leaders doing Kingdom work inside of prisons to plant churches. Specifically pray that: 1) the right leaders will respond, 2) that the details will fall into place, 3) our costs will be covered, 4) the speakers and presenters will receive spiritual key insights to communicate to the attendees. 

Pray for Dr Davis and myself as we spend time with the Testimony Ministries leaders and participants at their conference, Testimony Reunion: A Celebration of Freedom, June 17 in Los Angeles. The conference is, "to re-gather after incarceration with community allies, prison chaplains-volunteers, families and local churches to fellowship, network and celebrate the amazing things God has done!"

Pray for the Holy Spirit to work in and through the following Evangel Schools that are taking place this month: 1) San Antonio, TX, 2) San Francisco, CA, 3) Bangladesh, 4) India.  

Pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send church plant movement leaders we can equip and commission as Evangel Deans that they can facilitate Evangel Schools to train and commission their church plant teams to evangelize, make disciples leading to new churches being planted in communities of poverty.     

Dan Kummet