July 2023 Prayer Requests from Bob and Susan Engel

Here is my July praise and prayer request. 

Praise and Prayer. It is with great joy that I share that Susan and I will be first-time grandparents. Our oldest daughter Rachel, whom many of you, is pregnant and due in December. Rejoice and pray that the good hand of our God will rest upon Rachel and this precious new life that she is carrying. 

Prayer. The Evangel Gathering takes place July 13-15 at your church. The Spirit of the Lord has called and gathered over 40 individuals (international and domestic church plant movement leaders and staff) whose focus is planting churches with the formerly incarcerated and planting churches with incarcerated leaders inside prisons. Please pray, 1) for the Holy Spirit to work in and through our time, 2) for joy and strength for the ABC families who are hosting our international leaders, 3) for joy and strength for the ABC individuals volunteering their time to serve in the many  details in making the Evangel Gathering excellent and refreshing for the delegates, 4) for power and passion for our plenary speakers (Dr. Don Davis and myself) and our workshop speakers (Dr. Hank Voss and Rev. Eric Himelick), and  5) for me as I facilitate the conference with this unique group of movement leaders. 

Dan Kummet