Sept 2023 Prayer Requests from Bob and Susan Engel

Here are my prayer requests for September

Praise. Evangel Summary of your prayers and our labors: 2016-2023

  • 188 Certified Evangel Deans Commissioned

  • 68 Evangel Schools hosted by our Evangel Deans

  • 685 Church Plant Teams equipped who are planting new churches around the world! (Bangladesh, East Africa, Mexico, Tanzania, a closed country, Pakistan, Ethiopia, and the US)

Prayer. September 18 - October 7, I will be in Africa (Tanzania and Kenya) with Dr. Davis. I will be speaking at two conferences that two of our Evangel Deans are facilitating. Each conference will have approximately 1,000 - 1,500 pastors and leaders. There is also scheduled a small group of movement leaders that we will be spending time with. Pray for health, strength, energy, and most of all that the Holy Spirit would take our words to inspire and encourage the pastors and movement leaders to win "Africa for Jesus." 

Pray to the Lord of the Harvest that He w

Dan Kummet