Oct. 2023 Prayer Requests from Bob and Susan Engel

I'm in the Kilimanjaro airport in Africa where I have some good wifi. Here's a praise and prayer request

Praise. Thank you for your prayers. Dr. Davis and I were able to speak to over 800 Bishops and pastors in Mwanza, Tanzania. The challenge we gave was to take Africa for Jesus. They were challenged that to advance the gospel of Jesus leading to church planting is to lift Jesus up. He will draw all people to Himself. We participated in the 7th graduation from The Urban Ministry Institute of Tanzania. Pastors and teachers are being raised up to enter the harvest field. 

We speak to 1500 Bishops, pastors, and leaders in Nairobi this week. We will challenge them with the same Kingdom truth that we did in Mwanza. Pray for the Holy Spirit to speak His words through us to these saints in Nairobi. 

Pray for me as I will be at Wheaton College for a conference where representatives for North America will gather in preparations for the Lausanne Conference on World Evangelization in Seoul S. Korea in 2024. I was nominated and accepted to be 1 of the North America representatives. 

Thank you for all your love and support. 

Dan Kummet