Nov. 2023 Prayer Requests from Bob and Susan Engel

Here are my November praise and prayer requests:

Praise. From my trip to Africa, 6 church plant movement leaders have registered to be assessed and equipped as an Evangel Dean. They represent, South Sudan, Tanzania, Malawi, and Kenya. 

Praise and Prayer Request. I was nominated and accepted to be a representative for North America for the 2024 Lausanne Congress on world evangelism. This is only the 4th conference in the history of Lausanne which was started in 1974 by Billy Graham and John Stott. Please pray for wisdom as I will be part of a one-year pre-congress cohort with other world missions representatives to focus on the, "vision of the gospel for every person, disciple-making churches for every people and place, Christ-like leaders for every church and sector, and kingdom impact in every sphere of society."

Prayer Request. I’ll be in Tennessee, November 14 and 15 for the Church Planters Leadership Fellowship. Pray for wisdom and key interactions with leaders who want to plant churches from and for the poor in America. 

Prayer Request that the Engels would be drawn closer to God in Christ Jesus. 

Dan Kummet