Jan 2024 Prayer Requests from Bob and Susan Engel

Here are my January prayer requests:

With this being the first month of the new year, I thought it would be good to share my Big Holy Audacious Goals (BHAG) that I am praying and working to accomplish until the return of the King or He takes me home. Please join me in praying for the following BHAG's: 

Catalyze 500 church plant movements (certified as Evangel Deans) by and among the poor        

Evangel Schools will combine to Charter 100,000 Teams to plant churches among the poor resulting in 2 million new disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ  

1000 trained coaches in the Evangel Coaching Network  

“Midwife” 10 new church planting movements; includes Returning Citizens and inside the prison system. 

Strengthen the Evangel Network as a place for church plant movement leaders around the world can gather for friendship and inspiration in order to flourish missions by and among the poor.   

Commission 244 Evangel Dean Catalysts representing the 193 countries in the world, the 50 states in the U.S., and 1 for inside the prison walls and with Returning Citizens. 

Dan Kummet