Feb 2024 Prayer Requests from Bob and Susan Engel
I pray that my email finds you and the ABC Family healthy and strong in the grace of our Lord.
Here are my February Prayer Requests:
February 15, I will be the podcast guest speaker for Next Wave Learning Community, a place where denominations and networks for church multiplication gather to discuss and learn about "all things church planting." Join in prayer for wisdom and clear communication, led by the Holy Spirit.
February 19-20, I will be in Cincinnati, OH, for visionary discussions with our President, Dr. Sanders, and several other leaders within the ministry. Pray for wisdom and open, honest dialogue.
Please join me in praying for church plant movement leaders for us to equip and commission to facilitate Evangel Schools of Urban Church Planting. Related to this, pray for church plant teams to respond to the call of the Lord and be equipped and commissioned into the harvest field of lost souls.
Personal. Susan and I will celebrate 32 years of marriage. Give praise to the Lord and continue to pray that God would draw us closer to Himself in Christ Jesus.