Feb 2024 Update from Brooke Bateman
Happy New Year!
God is doing so much in the Deaf community and Bible Translation work. And in my personal life as well!
God is allowing me the honor and privilege to continue to serve multiple Sign Language communities and see more Deaf come to faith in Jesus.
Please pray for me as partner with and organize a prayer event for prayer for zero l Asia. My role in this event is to gather and lead a time of prayer for the Deaf Bible translation community and intercession prayers for unreached people throughout Asia.
Please pray for me as I continue to interpret in various trainings and meetings as well as support teams in encouragement, support and project management.
Lastly in my work please pray for my continued training in Exegetical Studies in working with the Deaf and making sure that their translation is clear, natural, accurate and clear. In March I will travel to England and Spain for work trips. Please pray for good health and stamina. For excellent work and the Holy Spirit to guide me.
In December I had the joy of seeing two new Slovenian believers out their faith in Jesus and be baptized! I’m joining them and others through an online Bible study using the Slovenian Bible translation. The my are asking such good questions and the leaders in Slovenia are doing an amazing job with loving and supporting them.
In Romania we also had a young husband and wife out their faith in Jesus and be baptized. They are also being mentored and cared for by the church!
On a personal note and HUGE praise!! I am engaged!!!! On February 2nd Gasper Rems proposed to me. He is Deaf and Slovenian. His family is the best and both of our families are so supportive of our union. He is a Sign Language Bible translator and also works with the Deaf Blind. He is Deaf and my very best friend. Pray for us as we continue to build our relationship on Christ alone. All the while doing this long distance. I will relocate and marry him in Slovenia. This has all be approved my my mission organization and teams. Geographically, it is 7 hours from Romania where l currently live. And I can continue all work from there. Gasper and I still long to visit and come to Romania visiting the church and community.
We have been receiving biblical counseling and pre marital counseling since last September as well as having other mentors meet with us together as well as separately in zoom meetings to support us in our relationship and spiritual life. I am 1000% certain that this is God’s plan for us and I’m extremely thankful for a life and ministry partner.
Thank you for your prayers and I hope to come to visit this November and/or December to introduce Gasper to you!!