April 2024 Update from Brooke Bateman
Thank you so much for your prayers last month. My exegetical training trip to the UK was incredible. I was able to spend a week in England with the British Sign Langauge team and learn alongside them and the Translation Consultant in the original Hebrew and how to accurately and clearly translate Genesis 1-2.
I was in awe as we dove into the creation story and how to sign it visually just brought the truth of God’s Word and plan into fullness. I have such respect for the painstakingly time and dedication the team puts in to make sure they understand and sign the text from one language to another. Please pray for them as the continue with the translation as well as determine the best sign to use for YHWY, Yahweh.
Thank you for your prayers as I was interpreting in Spain for a conference as well. I made it back safely. :)
This Easter I will be in Slovenia. It’s time for me to move to the country where I will become a wife and start a family. I cannot praise God enough for His faithfulness in providing me a life/ministry partner! Please pray for Gasper and I as we take part in the first Resurrection Deaf fellowship service in Slovenia. Pray for us to be used and led by God.
For April I travel to Brazil to interpret at FOBAI a conference for Bible translators that takes place every other year. This is by far always the most intense time for me as the content and week is high intensity for interpreting and working. But it is such a privilege to take part in it and be a bridge to the Deaf and Hearing Community.
One last prayer request, I need grace and wisdom as I want to make some changes in some of my work in Asia. Ultimately asking my supervisor if I can find someone else to take over much of that work and focus more intently on my other roles and responsibilities in Europe and also in Exegetical training. I feel spread in too many directions and need wisdom in how to communicate this and find someone who might be a better fit in Asia since I don’t live there it makes more sense to have someone who does take I’ve those specific roles. Not to mention the additional sign languages and cultural cues I have to constantly navigate. I want to continue with some of my work and countries there but definitely taper down as much as possible.