May 2024 Update from Brooke Bateman
This past month has been a whirlwind of ministry opportunities and moving to Slovenia.
Praise God for good health and travels through it all. Also pray for the many relationships being made here in my new home country as well as those made with ministry partners and teams.
Last month I asked for prayer with my ministry role and responsibilities within Asia to be lessened. I had the conversations needed with my supervisor and she was supportive. I see more clarity in the areas where God is calling me long term and where I can best invest my energy and focus. I previously had too many hats and responsibilities that did not fit within that calling from God and took away from that. I will continue to work with two Sign Language Bible translation teams within Asia and I do that with joy. But the other tasks will be handed off so I can focus more on training within Exegetical work and studies for long term work within this.
I am also learning Slovenian and Sovenian Sign Language but only on a small scale to allow for good transition.
God has BLESSED ME tremendously with an International Church family here and Gasper and I are being bolstered and encouraged as so many of them have prayed for the Deaf in Slovenia to know Christ and have a heart to see the Deaf be transformed by Jesus.
Thank you for praying for the ministry trip to Brazil where I interpreted for a BIble translation conference. This was a forum with leaders from across the globe, mamy of those who are Deaf!
Please pray for my heart to be grounded in the love and joy of Christ. To serve and love Him and others with a steadfast commitment.
Please pray for Gasper and I as we continue to prepare for our wedding and joining our lives and callings together as one! That we would be seeking to glorify God and to make Him FIRST.