September 2024 Update from Brooke Bateman
Greetings from Slovenia. It has been 4 months since I have relocated here. Praise God for the strength, grace and gift of living here. Our ministry continues as I am able to continue working remotely from here.
Gašper my fiancé is talking with Wycliffe about possible ministry work in translation the Bible into Slovenian Sign Language for children. He and I have been given a beautiful church, Calvary church here in Slovenia where we are seeking God’s direction in having either a joint service or a afternoon service just for the Deaf.
Slovenia is largely unreached with the Gospel. Gašper is the only Deaf male believer that we know of. There are 3 other women who are believers. We are praying about beginning a church fellowship in October once our wedding, family visits and honeymoon is over! :) we can’t wait! But Gašper and I are being mentored and just find her our premarital counseling. We thank God for the love and care and discipleship we are receiving as a couple moving into a bran new season of marriage.
Please pray for our wedding preparations as we will have our wedding on September 21st.
We will have several sign languages and interpreters present. We desire for all who attend to have access to the Gospel in their language and for God to be glorified in the entire day. And for our families from very different cultures and backgrounds to be able to connect and communicate with love and joy.