June 2023 Prayer Requests James and Family
Please pray for Kilian. As we go into summer we will work with him everyday to improve his reading and writing from his dyslexia. This summer is huge that he gets caught up and ready for 3rd grade here. Praise God, the program he is on is really really improving his reading and comprehension. Thank you for your prayers!
Pray for Putu. He is really interested in God and who Jesus is. We have had a lot of different friends and teams visiting lately that have spent a lot of time with Putu and speaking to him about life and about Jesus. Pray for his heart to soften and for him to be open to know Jesus.
Pray for God continual guidance and favor. We are praying about expanding our team here in b@li locally and a few people are praying to move here and help as well. So pray for guidance and clear steps forward!