March 2020 Prayer Requests from Travis and Natasha Phillips
Praise God with us for many things this month, and thank you for lifting up our requests!
Travis finally made it through the final “hoop”, and began serving with TUMI at CMC. Please pray for the team as we serve every Saturday evening, walking through the book of Ephesians with men who are currently incarcerated.
Praise that Natasha had the privilege of teaching Acts 20 and 21 at Women’s Bible Study. She loves being able to teach God’s word and share her heart with the ladies there.
We are now 80% funded for our ministry in the Philippines. God continues to grow our team, and we’re so thankful for that! Please pray for a couple of churches who are currently considering partnering with us financially and in prayer!
We have the opportunity to fly to Milwaukee this month to reconnect with current ministry partners, to preach the Sunday sermon at MKE Lakeside church and to share about church planting in the Philippines. Please pray that Travis will present the gospel message well as he walks through the first 11 chapters of Romans then challenges the church with the beginning of chapter 12 — our reasonable service in light of God’s mercy.
Please pray for continued health for Natasha and our unborn daughter, Lily Kathryn. Natasha is now 30 weeks pregnant, and things are going well.
Please pray that the Lord would provide a place for us and our friends, the Fitzpatricks, to store a 20-foot shipping container with our belongings while we are overseas long term. Please also pray for our other logistics regarding the move overseas.
Lastly, please pray that the Lord would give us wisdom, time and energy as we plan our June 7 benefit dinner to help with our “Launch Overseas” cost.