Lifewater Update from Cambodia!
Recent Accomplishments
A Baseline Study was conducted throughout August to assess current health and spiritual practices across the district. It included data collected from 529 households. Baseline data was also collected from the small churches that will be partnering on the restorative initiatives for this program, as well as from a few Buddhist temples.
WASH University (WASHU) Training #3 was held August 30-31. This vital training is the third in the WASHU series. It is conducted each time a new program is launched and it equips Lifewater field staff to carry out the essential elements of the Vision of a Healthy Village program within the remote communities they are preparing to serve.
Food Distribution to vulnerable households. Lifewater's Svay Leu staff recently collaborated with Mission Dove to distribute emergency food supplies to 60 vulnerable houses in the program region. Serving vulnerable households is a vital aspect of Lifewater's church planting strategy.
What's Next
Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) training. In CLTS each village goes through exercises that reveal how their current practices are making them sick, such as identifying all the places where feces are contaminating their environment. This important step equips communities to be knowledgeable about their health and willing to make changes.
Prayer Request
We invite you to pray for our team as they make preparations to conduct CLTS within the context of current COVID-19 restrictions.
Village house in Cambodia.