Oct 2022 Prayer Request from Mitchel and Shari Janzen
New Website
I am so excited for YFClife.org. This summer my daughter, Ashlyn, who's headed to University this fall, interned with us to develop the new website. Why a website you ask? Kids need to know they're cared for, that they matter to us and, most importantly to God. YFClife.org is designed to help us do that directly and indirectly in several ways.
1. YFClife.org establishes some credibility and assurances for parents who don't know us personally and want to know what their Kids are involved with.
2. It's a place for us to share stories of God at work in YFC, encouraging and inspiring more and more of us to intentionally care for Kids.
3. YFClife.org provides a way to help all of us introduce others to YFC ministry.