April 2023 Update from Abel and Sarah
We thank the Lord that we get to serve Him here in Tanzania. Thank you all for being a part of what God is doing here.
We have some teammates (other families here within our organization) that will be moving out of the city into a least reached people group within the country. One family will be heading out, Lord willing, in early April and the other will follow in July or August. Please be praying for these families as they move out and make another transition. Pray for their kids especially as they have built good relationships here in the city. Pray for them as they learn this people group's language. Pray that the people they are going to live with get to meet Jesus.
Abel and Thom are plugging away with curriculum development working in 1Thessalonians. They are writing a second book called, Living in God's Narrative. The first book Milele Hata Milele builds a firm foundation. This second book talks through, "Ok, so now what...how do we live in God's narrative?"
Please pray for Abel and the other Board of Governor members at HOPAC as they are dealing with some hard decisions. Pray for wisdom and grace and love in their conduct towards one another as they try and figure stuff out. Pray for clear communication. There are a lot of different cultures represented on the board, and that diversity (that is beautiful, and an expression of God's creativity) can lead to misunderstandings.
We thank God we are doing well. We had some sickness pass through our house for the past couple of weeks, but we are all pretty healthy at the moment.
We thank the Lord for His protection for Heidi a couple of weeks ago. She was riding with some friends and they got in an accident. She got whiplash and a hurt wrist and one of the other girls hurt her shoulder. No one else was hurt, thankfully.
Pacey had a 4-day class trip this month to a rainforest several hours away. She had a great time and came back with a lot of stories. We thank God for the opportunity and for His protection. Pacey is also doing Swahili lessons one day a week after school, initiated by her!
Thank you for praying for the youth event that Andrew went to. Many of the students were very encouraged with the messages and felt God do a good work in them.
Andrew has some big tests this week and next that he’s been studying for. It will be a relief for him and his classmates once they are over. We celebrated Andrew's 15th birthday last week. Time sure flies.
Abel’s physical therapy with his arm is going really well. His improvements are substantial each day. We thank the Lord for this, it is very encouraging.
Please continue to pray for the girls that are in my mentor group. Pray that they will continue to understand who God is and that it would soak in and be able to see how that affects every part of their lives.
Thank you. We love you,