May 2023 Prayer Requests from David and Leanne Jimenez

Good morning, can’t believe we are starting May already! Here are some prayer request from Newlove.

For the new visitor Yeimy Velasquez. She is from Honduras and this week she even brought her friend Judith to our Sunday service. Pray for their salvation and growth.

For the carport project. I have contacted 2 architects about drawing the plans but I haven’t heard back from them yet.

For the volunteers needed for the after school program. We would like to open the ministry center for another day or two during the week but we’re still lacking some volunteers.

For Leanne and her health. She continues to be fatigued at the end of day and she’s been referred to another doctor for more tests.

For David and day to day duties, ministry schedule and family.


Thanks again for your faithful partnership with us in this ministry. You are an important part in advancing the Kingdom here in the Central Coast.