June 2020 Prayer Requests from Bob and Susan Engel

Here are my June prayer requests:

We are pursuing a grant with the Lily Foundation called, Thriving Congregations.  Please pray that we would find favor with the Foundation.  The grant would allow us to equip 12 church planting movements at 3 different stages in their movement – Emerging, Developing, and Maturing.  We based our criterion on the following:  1) cross section of diverse families and ministries of congregations, 2) potential to impact dozens of untouched communities of poverty, 3) character and ongoing maturity of congregational leaders (low risk in failure), 4) return on investment representing significant potential for transformation in poor neighborhoods.

I shared last month about the stirrings of a vision for a church planting movement armed and led by Returning Citizens.  Thank you for praying.  Though there are some good things happening, there hasn’t been a tipping point.  Please join me in praying:  1) that a leader would arise and seize command of this vision, 2) that I would neither lag behind or move forward apart from the Spirit’s clear leading (1 Chronicles 14:10; Galatians 5:25).

Thank you for your prayers for a smooth move transition.  By the time you read this Team Engel will be “settled” in our new home in Plainfield New Jersey.  We thank our Lord for His provision during this time.

Please pray as the Spirit has opened the door for me to work with the Bishop of the Mid-Atlantic Diocese (Maryland, Virginia, Washington D.C., West Virginia and Delaware) of the Charismatic Episcopal Church.  This is a strategic area in the U.S. I plan to go and visit with the Bishop in Maryland within the next 3 weeks.  He has connections with urban pastors outside his denomination he would gather for an informational meeting.  Pray that I would have wisdom and a clear leading from the Lord as to forming a partnership with these leaders for the region.

Pray that the Spirit of the Lord would protect and draw the Engels closer to Himself in Christ Jesus.