June 2020 Update from Travis and Natasha Phillips

Dear prayer partners!

We have a few praises and a couple of petitions for the month of June:

Praise: Our second daughter, Lily Kathryn, was born a couple of weeks ago! The labor and delivery went very well, and we were out of the hospital about 25 hours after walking in. Lily is a very content baby, and we are so thankful to have her in our family.

Praise: Over the last year, the Lord has provided month-by-month for our one-time cost of moving to the Philippines, including purchasing plane tickets. acquiring visas for our first two years, putting the deposit and first month’s rent on a home and furnishing/setting up said home. This fund is now fully funded! We are also getting closer to the goal of full monthly support.

Praise: We will have another young family (in our mission moving to the same city as us just a few weeks before we move there. It will be a blessing to have another family (who we met at the MTC) to go through this phase of ministry with as we adjust to a new language and culture.

Petition: Please pray that the Philippines will be able to safely re-open their borders, government offices and economy. On May 31 they will announce their next steps toward this or extend the shut-down. We are hopeful that we will be able to move to the Philippines in late-August and begin learning the language and culture of the southern islands.

Petition: Please pray that our local churches in CA will be able to gather again soon. Community is so essential in our faith, and many are suffering due to the loss of face to face interactions with other believers. We are excited about the gatherings in homes that ABC will be doing soon.

ABC Team