June 2020 Update from Brooke Bateman

Hello from Oradea, Romania!

I am doing well. Have been shelter in place for roughly two months now. Romania has lifted the state of emergency and we are in state of alert. Which means I no longer need to travel with a specific declaration filled out. And I can leave to go outside for walks or have a bit more freedom.

We can only gather with 3 people or less. But our church can get together if we meet outside and follow the social distance policies.

So we did! The Deaf church gathered in the rain last Sunday but we loved being able to see one another after all this time.

My prayer requests are:

Covid to cease spreading here in Romania and around the world. That in the midst of it all many will turn to Jesus.

That I would continue to learn Romanian and Romanian Sign Language well! Praise God I have four language helpers! Wow.

Pray that God would use me however He wants and that I would be able to hear Him when He is guiding me to have conversations or speak truth.

Pray for Claudia, one of my language helpers. She is 18 and Deaf. I am mentoring her as we grow in time in God’s Word, prayer and worship in sign language.

Also, pray for Remus, he is another language helper. He is 40, Deaf and I don’t think he is a believer. Pray for his salvation and God to shine through me to him.

Please pray for the Romanian Bible  Sign Language Translation team. Currently they are doing community check with the book of Mark.

Lastly, rejoice with me that our God healed my dad of sepsis as he was in the hospital for over a month during this crazy time. He was released last week!

Thank you for your continued partnership and prayers! May God richly bless you and make His face shine upon you!